The Jar-neyman June 1 2017

The Jar-nymen
In this weekly instalment we try to focus on a figurine that made your club day special in some way or another. Feel free to present your model of the day/match/game/battle at the counter on club nights and Ben en Guido will make a suitable article for it. Or at least try 😉

On one of the rainiest day of the season Camenbert of the skaven Blood & Cheese earned his right as a Jar-ney men. Putting his own life at stake when he and his buddy broke trough the line of defense of Snorri’s Bunch. It seemed as if the great horned rat was bringing down the warp stone lightning to glorify this moment; when one of the humans brutally attacked the duo leaving our star standing on his own. Surrounded by a mass of humans willing to crush his skull; Cam jumps up; dodges Hans, Frans and Englebert, gets his hands and tail around a very wet, slippery football, counters a Tackle from Hackle, go’s fer it; …wider; … farther than any rat has gone before. He leaps out, rain dripping from his nose and tail and drops the ball in the end zone scoring the much needed touchdown…

When Karll Hoydberghs asked him what he had to say to the fans Camembert simply answered “Squuiiieeeg” and bit the Blond god of Averland in his nose.

Jon the owner and manager of the team always says the Gutter runners are the working dogs of his team, and this particular example is the first from the Black Scorpion pit to get his full livery for the team!

I am proud to call Camembertthe my first of Gutter runners

Fun fact Camembert has the number 4; the players above him aren’t gutterrunners…