There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o!
2018 Is here! And so is our new yearly challenge! After last years WOW and the ABC in 2016 we now present you the Golden Goblin BINGO Achievement league!
We challenge you to complete a set of 58 achievements by the end of the year! The achievements are randomized on 4 different BINGO cards! Well actually, we are happy if you finish one BINGO card! Bonus points and rewards for finishing more!
As mentioned above, we have devised a set of achievements for you to complete!
Every Golden Goblin! Makes sense right?
BINGO cards available on the first clubnight of 2018. January 4th! This years end date is December 20th!
Almost everywhere ;-), also see the rules below.
The Rules:
- Entering the BINGO will cost you €5 for the first cards, €2 for every consecutive card. IF you wish to take all cards at once, you pay €10.
- You are allowed to trade a card with another Goblin as long as both cards are still empty!
- PLOT TWIST. On the first of July the numbers belonging to the achievements will be randomized again!
- You can choose your desired card!
- Lost your card? Though luck!
- Activities done at other locations than the club must be proven before getting your card stamped
- By completing one card, and not having any other, you get one completion button
- If you fail one or more cards, you get a failure button.
- If you manage to complete all of the cards, you get a foil button!
- If you have more multiple cards, you can accumulate achievements. Cards bought afterwards, can not be cumulative!
- You get one joker per BINGO card.
- Most importantly have fun!
Got any questions? Contact our BINGO master Sander!
The cards:
Card 1: 1 – 11 – 56 – 31 – 19 – 15 – 26 – 8 – 23 – 53 – 41 – 9 – 48 – 38
Card 2: 58 – 32 – 18 – 29 – 47 – 6 – 49 – 4 – 22 – 42 – 14 – 27 – 50 – 35
Card 3: 57 – 33 – 10 – 21 – 3 – 17 – 39 – 51 – 16 – 5 – 44 – 25 – 28 – 36
Card 4: 7 – 52 – 13 – 20 – 34 – 12 – 24 – 43 – 45 – 37 – 40 – 54 – 30 – 2
The achievements:
- Paint a bust.
- Finish a project you’ve had for over a year.
- Attempt a new painting technique.
- Make a diorama display of a miniature.
- Paint a model for someone else.
- Buy a model and paint from a company you’ve never bought a model from.
- Convert a model with a freehand greenstuff sculpt.
- Paint 12 models.
- Attempt a freehand (paint).
- Be creative with your hobby for 1 hour a day, 7 days in a row.
- Paint 2 vehicles.
- Paint a different scale then 28mm.
- Make a diorama display of a vehicle.
- Strip a model you’ve painted and paint it again. Post before and after on the Hopper.
- Build a piece of scenery.
- Build an objective/status/goal/… marker.
- Paint a casualty.
- Find and paint a miniature that looks like you.
- Play a miniature game with 3 or more players.
- Play a miniature game on a strange location.
- Play a game you have never played before.
- Role-play with at least one other goblin.
- Play 5 games.
- Organize a scenario game.
- Play a game with Guido, Koen or Sander M.
- Play a game with Ben, Yves or Steven.
- Play a game, and before you start, switch sides.
- Play fan-made rules.
- Play a game on the bar (it has to fit).
- Play a game from your birth year.
- Play a game with a goblin miniature.
- Play a scenario game.
- Play with your worst list.
- Play to get in the jar.
- Start a new army/ warband/ chapter.
- Post a home-made tutorial on the goblin forum.
- Do something for the community.
- Go for a pint with a another goblin on a non-club evening.
- #goblinsontour: place a goblin sticker and post a picture of it in the Hopper.
- Post 10 WIP models on the Hopper (different models).
- Enter 3 club raids.
- Buy the bartender a drink.
- Bring a non goblin friend to a goblin night.
- Post 10 positive comments on the Hopper.
- Personalize your goblin outfit/shirt.
- Touch Ben’s beard (Be careful, you might get hit!).
- Donate to the bitzbox.
- Enter goblin repair day.
- Buy x a drink (dice roll on the memberlist).
- Pimp your gaming/painting accessory.
- Buy an extra bingo card without this one being full.
- Bring something yummy for the tummy for a goblin night.
- Volunteer with a goblin activity.
- Make a #goblinsinhetwild photo.
- Get in the media with our hobby.
- Enter a song in the goblin playlist.
- Donate something for the Goblin tombola.
- Help a fellow goblin out.
Again, if you have any questions, give Sander a shout!